Either upload it directly in the Fishtail app or give it to your freight forwarder and we’ll kick off the world’s most advanced underwriting engine (and also let you know if there are any risks for your shipment).
Accept your financing
Know exactly what to expect so you can overcome capital barriers once and for all.
Do more and grow more quickly
Because you can take on more business, paying a fraction of what you would have paid a loan shark and even a bank, you can handle more – and become more.
Fishtail and You
Your product, your customers, your mission – we care about all the things that make you, you.
Every geography, every industry, any size at all: Fishtail can help you.
What Next?
If you're ready to learn more about what Fishtail can do to fast-track your finances, contact us today.
Our representatives are standing by and ready to guide you toward a new era for your business.